1 Comment

From Doonhamer

Hello James.

You have provoked me into thinking. Thus the delay in replying.

I also sent exactly the same nominations and words by email to you, so if you get both ignore one of them.

So here are my nominations.

Person of the Year. In no particular order.

1. Legiron, Of Underdogs Bite Upwards. Reason - He was the first to give a reasoned and informed argument as to why I should not have the mRNA based chemical. Up till then I just suspected that a new technology drug rushed through development, through efficacy and safety testing and into mass manufacturing in such a short time was likely to be dodgy. So he may have saved my life.

2. Anthony Watt, of Watts Up With That blog. Again he gave statistical, evidential, and logical reasons as to why the Anthropogenic Glogal Warming was a load of mince. Prior to that I reasoned that puny mankind was unlikely to alter all the factors which change global temperature when a single volcano eruption chucks out in a few hours more "greenhouse gasses" than mankind has done since the beginning of the Industrial Revolution. Also as an engineer I knew that any system which was so sensitive to inputs as to unstable and self destruct (think of that suspension bridge that shook itself to pieces) would have done so already because of meteorites, solar flares, volcanoes. And again mankind's efforts pale into insignificance. The Green solution seems akin to dancing to bring rain on or human sacrifice to stop the daylight hours shrinking to zero every winter.

3. Donald Trump. I do not know the man well enough to tell if I would like him or not, and his taste in clothes, furnishing, fake tan and hairstyle is not mine. But he did attempt to change the uni-party political system in USA. He did not start any new wars. He did seem to get a comatose USA manufacturing industry going profitably again, and he wanted to stop illegal immigration. And he was not in it for the money, unlike nearly every other politician.

Condemned of the Year.

I could have been parochial and included that SAGE statistician or one of those experts who stood beside BoJo and spouted doom and gloom unless we did silly things.

But above them / us all are the puppet masters. So in no particular order my choices are.

1. Bill Gates

2. George Soros

3. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus

The attitude of these three, and many more of lesser influence, put me in mind of Harry Lime, of The Third Man, as he explained his actions at the top of the big ferris wheel in Vienna. viz.

(Long shot from Martins' eye line of the fairground far below and the people now on it.)

Would you feel any pity if one of those dots stopped moving forever?

If I offered you £20,000 for every dot that stopped - would you really, old man, tell me to keep my money? Or would you calculate how many dots you could afford to spare? Free of income tax, old man......free of income tax.

It's the only way to save money nowadays.

Thank you for your blogs. They are much appreciated. And I feel I would enjoy your company.

Good luck,


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